Inside Israel is a podcast that takes listeners beyond the superficial headlines to discover the real uncensored story of Israel, its diverse people, politics, economy and culture. Historian, entrepreneur and author Itai Tennenbaum is your guide for a behind the scenes tour of Israeli society, and objective analysis of the key issues of the day for anyone who wants a deep and authentic look Inside Israel.

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Eliminating Iran's Nuclear Threat
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Supreme leader of Iran posted a " final solution" poster on his website and then explained
"I want Israel destroyed, not all Jews"
President of Iran; "Israel is a cancerous tumor that should be wiped off the map"
Iran is speeding towards a nuclear weapon and Israel is rightfully concerned
In this episode we will discover what Israel is doing to eliminate this existential threat

Monday Aug 09, 2021
The Shadow War with Iran
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
An ongoing covert war is happening between Israel and Iran. While Iranian strategy is to encircle Israel with their proxy miltias and terrror groups, Israel is responding with the MABAM strategy... known as the campign between wars.
Ships on the high seas are temapred with and disabled. Surgical air attacks are hitting mystrious targets. Israeli and Iranian agents are running around the Middle East..
In this episode we will make sense and give you context to understand the shadow war between Israel and Iran

Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Fauda in Lebanon
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Fauda in Lebanon. Lenabon is in a state of collapse and anarchy. No gasoline, scarcity of food, 2 hours of electricity a day for most residents. Yet, in the last couple weeks, 5 rockets were fired at Israel on two different occosions.
In this episode Avi Melamed, author, lecturer, former senior intelligence official, will enlighten us on to the current Lebanon situation and how it will effect Israel.

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Naftali Bennet is of the political philosphy of one state solution - Israel.
Mansur Abbas is of the political philosphy of Islam as the rule of law.
How do these two opposites function in one coalition government?

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Lighting Speed Vacinations
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
How was Israel able to vaccinate the majority of its population at lighting speed? The Israeli medical system has been training to vaccinate for years... but for a copmpletely different reason than Covid

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
End of the Jewish State
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
According to the Haredi (ultra ortodox) politicial leadership the Jewish State is about to be demolished, from the inside. Really?? In this episode you'll learn about the Haredi "panic" of their loss of power.

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Ben & Jerry's Boycott
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Ben & Jerry's decision to boycott people living in the West Bank stirred a passionate discussion in Israel.. Is it really about ice cream or are we Israelis facing a new kind of PR warefare? In this espisode Itai Tennenabum will take you deep beyond the superficial headlines to understand the real issue and struggle Israel faces.