Inside Israel is a podcast that takes listeners beyond the superficial headlines to discover the real uncensored story of Israel, its diverse people, politics, economy and culture. Historian, entrepreneur and author Itai Tennenbaum is your guide for a behind the scenes tour of Israeli society, and objective analysis of the key issues of the day for anyone who wants a deep and authentic look Inside Israel.

Saturday Oct 28, 2023
War With Hamas #4, Oct. 28
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Why do they hate us? UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said "it should be recognized that the attacks by Hamas did NOT happen in a vacuum. For 56 years the Palestinians have been under a suffocating occupation, their lands are taken, the economy is paralyzed and their homes destroyed."
Really? Really Mr. Secretery? You are drawing semetery?
In this epiosde we will take a look at how the UN is perpetuting the coflict.. We will also hear more of the stories and the heroes and victims.

Monday Oct 23, 2023
War with Hamas #3, Oct. 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces are engaged, fighting on 4 fronts
Gaza, Lebanon, West Bank and Syria
In this episode we will discuss the events.
We will continue hearing the stories of the victims and heroes.

Thursday Oct 19, 2023
War with Hamas #2 Oct. 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
How did Israel fail? How did one of the world’s best military intellgence
and secret sevices fail so tragically? In this episode we will try and understand…
I’ll also discuss how the very divisive Israeli society transformed, within hours,
into a united pillar of strength.
I’ll continue to tell the stories of the victims and heroes.

Sunday Oct 15, 2023
War with Hamas #1 Oct. 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Saturday morning Oct. 7, 2023 occured the worst tradgedy of the Jewish people since
World War II, since the Holocaust!
What maked a human being, any human being, murder children in front of their mothers?
What maked a human being, any human being, decapitate a baby?
I’ve been at war in Lebanon. I’ve been inside Gaza, years ago, as a reserve soldier.
None of it was even remotely this bad. None of it was this tragic.
This is war! We, Israel, will win this war.
In this episode I will speak of the tragedy, the victims, the heros, and the consensus
among Israelis that the Hamas murderous monsters will be eliminated

Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Ukraine, Russia, Israel
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Inside Israel episode – On Saturday breaking news reported that prime minister Bennett was in Moscow. World side media outlets aired Bennet and Putin meeting. They met for no less than 3 hours and you would be correct to assume it wasn’t just negotiating a potential ceasefire. Why did Putin, who alone will decide when to fire and when to cease, agree, or even invite Bennet to the Kremlin? And why would Bennett agree to meet with and shake hands with a ruthless dictator? Listen to this episode to gain insight.

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
The Western Wall Plan
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Hundreds of Haredi Jews gathered at the Western Wall. They didn’t come for prayer or study but rather to block an attempt of women, known as the women of the Wall, to hold their monthly prayers. For their part, the women carried empty mantles used to cover Torah scrolls to protest the prohibition on bringing the scrolls themselves into the women’s section.Will the The Western Wall, as in ancient times, again be a source of conflict?Can we not learn from the tormented history of the Jewish people? Yochi Raapot, executive director of the Women of the Wall, is guest interviewed in this episode

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
The Lone Wolf Terrorist
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
The Lone Wolf Terrorist
A young man walked down the main road of the Muslim Quarter in the old city of Jerusalem. He passed the security stand near the Austrian Hospice. The young man drew a knife from inside his shirt and quickly ran to the security point. He managed to stab and injure two border police security personnel before being shot dead. In the next three weeks five more attacks were carried out. In this episode we will learn about the lone wolf terrorist.
Listen to this episode;
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Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Jerusalem vs. Ankara
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Roughly 10 days ago an Israeli tourist couple, Natalie and Mordy Okneen, visited Istanbul and took many photos. One or several of the photos they took was of the house of the president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.A suspicious waiter reported it to the police and they were arrested under the suspension that they were spying on the house. A few weeks earlier 15 men were also arrested in Turkey suspected of being Mossad agents.
In this episode we will learn of these stories and discuss Jerusalem - Ankara relations.

Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Supreme Court Part II
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Supreme Court Part II
I am not being overdramatic when I say “the struggle between the legislator (Knesset) and judicial (Supreme Court) could lead to a very different rule in Israel.. “Some say the struggle threatens Israeli democracy.”

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
“We will not be the first country to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East, but we will also not be the second.” Just a week ago PM Naftali Bennet declared an extension to the nuclear secrets. This decision means that materials (documents) that should have been released for public review or historical research after 50 years will only be exposed after 90 years. In this episode we will discuss Israeli WMD